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Thursday, July 2, 2020

No Sparks?

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

Old Faithful, our old tractor, seemed irreparable because it needed a tire rim replacement, but parts were no longer available because of its age. Thankfully, the former owner with the “know-how” to concoct such a remedy produced a solution. Once repaired, although it still has only two working gears, moving faster in reverse than forward, the immobile tractor became useful once again. But now, the tractor was not looking so good. Before making any decisions about what to do, the same friend looked over Old Faithful and discovered the battery posts had significant corrosion. There was no suspicion of that being the problem since they were inspected only a short while back.

Do you sometimes feel like you go faster in reverse than forward, taking one step forward but moving two backward? Has your connection with God eroded? Do you hear from Him at all? A precise relationship with God your Father is necessary for sparks to ignite your life daily. If there is the slightest sign of corrosion (sin—no matter how great or small), you must deal with it, or you will not move forward (prosper) in your daily walk.

You may not be “dead in your tracks,” but it may seem like you’re in a rut. You cannot move forward in God’s intended plan for your life until you confess and repent of (turn away from, forsake) known sin in your life. It may be a sin dealt with recently, but just like the corrosion on the battery posts, it cropped up again, and you overlooked it. Is it something you were to do that you haven’t yet done? Or, if you’re unaware of any sin, ask God to reveal what needs cleaning up to restore a good connection with Him. The result? Forgiveness—mercy. Your heavenly Father wants fellowship with you and for you to prosper in His plans for your life.

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