“. . . and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the
beach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” (Isaiah 58:12)
God wanted to destroy the Israelites
in the wilderness because of their continual complaining and lack of trust in
Him. And He would have done so, had not Moses, His appointed leader, stood in
the gap before Him on their behalf (Psalm 106:23).
Stepping up to be a repairer of
a breach is a task most people neither desire nor volunteer to carry out, yet
the duty is needful. God-led appointments for such repairs are vital; otherwise,
there could be devastating results for both parties involved. Repairing
breaches requires obedient people of action and bearers of truth, sometimes using
harsh words, words and actions not well received. Therefore, the one called to the
task will not be popular, often disrespected, and sometimes rejected.
Sin has devastated this world since the beginning of time. But
breach repair is not a task for the faint-of-heart nor the indecisive. The one
called to duty is in for the long haul until the mission is complete or God grants
release of the assignment. Whether repair of the breach is successful, those standing
in the gap can rest in the fact that they faithfully fulfilled their duty: “.
. . and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths
to dwell in” (Isaiah 58:12). Just as God used obedient Israelites, He wants
to use us, His Church, to stand in the gap. But obedience is necessary for repairing broken paths to right living.
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