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Monday, July 12, 2021

The Unlikely

After King Saul blatantly disobeyed God, God told Samuel to choose a new king from Jesse's sons. When he saw Eliab, the oldest, he thought, Surely, this is the one. But God told Samuel not to judge by  appearances because He was more interested in the heart: “. . . For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7.

One son after another in order of  their ages came before Samuel, and after the seventh one, Samuel told Jesse the LORD had not chosen any of them and asked if these were all his children (v. 10–11). Jesse replied there was still the youngest son taking care of the sheep. He sent for David, and as he stood before Samuel, the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him: for this is he.” Samuel and Jesse assumed the obvious, but that's not how God works. His thoughts and ways are not like ours, they are much higher, perfect. 

David had shepherding experience. He knew his father's sheep and had often put his life in harm's way to protect the flock under His care. David was a good shepherd; he loved God, depended on Him and trusted Him. Who better would care for God's sheep, His people?

Have others overlooked you as a likely choice? Like David, God isn’t interested in your outward appearance, but your heart; He has a purpose and plan for your life too. When He calls you to a task, be willing to serve and trust Him. A young shepherd boy did, and God called him “A man after His own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). David's obedience gained him a place in the genaology of the long awaited Messiah. When you invite Jesus into your life, surrendering to His lordship, you gain a place in God's family. You are His priceless child.

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