Soldiers at the cross fulfilled Scripture when they divided Jesus’ clothes, gambling for His outer coat because it had no seams: “. . . now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.” (John 19:23; Psalm 22:18). Such a tunic (although more ornate), woven of one piece of cloth, was part of the High Priest’s attire as he entered the Holy of Holies yearly with the blood of a spotless, innocent lamb to make atonement for the sins of the Israelites. He alone was ordained to enter the sacred place after undergoing a purification process to perform this duty.
God’s Son rightly wore a seamless coat. Jesus, the innocent,
sinless Lamb of God, died on the cross for the sins of all the world, a one-time
sacrifice that would never need repeating (Hebrews 9:24–28; 10:12, 14). He
became our High Priest and without need of the cleansing ritual, entered the
Holy Place and presented His shed blood in the presence of His Father as
atonement for the sins of all humanity.
Too much stress on garments’ seams can cause them to stretch,
even rip open. But the covering God supplies for His children through Jesus’
death and resurrection Is big enough and strong enough and has no
vulnerability. Nothing can weaken or tear God’s protection
over those cleansed by the blood of the Lamb because He perfectly weaved
it. Nothing can separate you from Jesus.
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