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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Silent Destroyer

Why is envy designated green? We sometimes refer to sickly people as “green around the gills.” They had a condition that infected and affected their body to the point that what was inside was about to exit, and it was not going to be pretty. Envy has a similar physical effect on the human body, quietly building up, growing as fast as healthy green grass—but one day, it will come out.

A “sound heart” positively influences, producing joy and peace because it’s free of unhealthy attitudes; envy is like cancer eating away the marrow of bones, a life destroyer: “A sound heart is the life of flesh but envy the rottenness of the bones” (Proverbs 14:30). A simple desire for what someone else has paves a pathway to jealousy. The longer it abides inside, the sicklier the body becomes. Envy drifts into anger; anger leads to hatred; hatred can lead to wrath, escalating to murder (even if only in thought).

Envy is listed in Scripture alongside some of the most despicable sins because of its destructive nature (Romans 1:29; Titus 3:3). Paul writes that we should imitate Christ as God’s children; those unspeakable sins should have no place among us (Ephesians 5:1–3). The Great Physician can cure anyone “green” with a physical illness or envy’s result. Healing is only a prayer away. 

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