Following This Blog

Monday, July 26, 2021

Now You See It

Sometimes while vacuuming, you must unplug the cord and re-plug it into another outlet to reach every corner of the room unless you’re in a hurry and settle for a quick cleanup. But if you choose this route, a light will show what stayed behind. At times, the same is true of our spiritual house. We’re in a hurry, too busy, or unwilling to deal with the housecleaning needed. Then the Holy Spirit shines God’s light on the “stuff” in His children’s lives: “But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light. . .” (Ephesians 5:13a). Unfortunately, we’re not always willing to take care of business because we know what the light will find as it searches each room. Why go there anyway? The rooms look okay from the entrance. But God is interested in what’s under the “furniture,” in the “corners,” and behind “closed doors.”

As followers of God, we’re to have no part with the deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them (v. 11). Yet, unwanted debris accumulates in our spiritual house, and a quick clean from the doorway will not suffice. God knows what’s under your furniture and in the corners. He knows what’s on the other side of your closed doors. We can’t do the thorough cleaning needed and must be willing to “unplug” ourselves and “plug” into the Source who can perfectly cleanse. As the Holy Spirit exposes each issue, ask Him to do what’s needed, and then let Him. When we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us of every impurity (1 John 1:9).

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