“Therefore, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)
Although grateful for the lodging accommodations, Mary had
not planned to deliver her firstborn child, or any child, in a stable. It was
not so much a silent night, breaking the silence as her labor pains
intensified. Scripture doesn’t say whether animals were present, but she and
Joseph were in the inn’s stable and likely had onlookers. Undoubtedly the
livestock chimed in along with Joseph’s assuring and comforting words. But the
sweetest sound of that non-silent night was the first cry of her newborn son,
Jesus: Immanuel (God with us).
Sometimes we have some not-so-silent nights (and days). When
things like tragedy, heartache, illness, family concerns, or financial setbacks
break the tranquility of life, what do people do—what do you do when the
unexpected crashes into your life? Remember, if you’re God’s child, Immanuel is
with you and will never leave. Amid the struggle and noise of disorder, the
Lord Jesus lovingly calls out to the weary and burdened to go to Him and find
rest (Matthew 11:28). The Messiah’s coming brought peace between humanity and
God. He is the only way to eternal life with God the Father, your refuge,
protector, and covering. Whether in noisy or silent times, you find salvation,
peace, and rest in Him.
Thank God He is always near... especially in those difficult and lonely times.