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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Joy or Fear

“The fear of the wicked it shall come upon him, but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.” (Proverbs 10:24)

The Messiah’s birth struck either joy or fear in people's hearts that day. Mary, Joseph, the angel, heaven’s host, the shepherds, and wise men experienced extraordinary joy upon Jesus’ arrival. But King Herod (not the rightful king to the throne) was troubled when he heard the news that a king of the Jews was born. He and others feared how this child could affect, even overthrow, his kingdom, so he asked the wise men to return, giving him the location of the new king so he, too, could worship Him. But being warned by God in a dream, they went home another way, and Herod was angry that they mocked him. Calculating the current age of the Christ-child, this insecure, ungodly king contrived the most diabolical plan to appease his ego and avoid what might be a kingdom takeover, ordering the murder of every male child from two years old and under (Matthew 2:16). But God once again spoke to Joseph in a dream, warning him to flee to Egypt with his family, staying there until Herod’s death.

The Good News of Jesus still strikes rejoicing or dread in the hearts of people today. Joy and anticipation fill the hearts of those right with God who love and serve Him and await the return of His Son. But some without Christ live in fear of death and the unknown. Others, repulsed by His authority, reject Him, thinking He came to take away everything they hold dear in this world. Do you rejoice in God, our Savior or, have you turned Him away? Have you “killed” His presence by satisfying your worldly pleasures? One day soon, Jesus returns to take His Father’s children home. People left behind—those without Christ—face a terror far beyond their thinking.

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