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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Climbing a Tree

“And he sought to see Jesus who He was, and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree: for He was to pass that way.” (Luke 19:3–4)

Well-known, wealthy, too-short-to-see-above-the-heads-of-others Zacchaeus shook off any pride he may have harbored because he wanted to see the man about whom he heard so much. So, up the tree, he scurried. It was no regional secret that as the chief tax collector, the people disliked him for overcharging them taxes, gaining him great wealth. When Jesus reached the tree, He looked up and told Zacchaeus to come down because He wanted to visit with him at his house (v. 8). The thief’s heart changed that day; he vowed to give half his wealth to the poor and repay anyone he cheated four times the amount. That’s the difference Jesus makes.

Long before Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, God grew the tree needed to meet his need—He made provision for you and me as well. Had Zacchaeus settled for only seeing Jesus that day, he would have climbed down from that tree and stayed a dishonorable man. Instead, he chose to meet with Jesus, and salvation was his.

“Climbing a tree” is unnecessary when overwhelming circumstances and needs block your view of Jesus. God is near and always sees you. When the Father calls your name, He wants you to “come down” to visit with you, no matter where you are, your past decisions, or your current situation. For a life-changing experience like that of Zacchaeus, surrender. God wants to visit with you, rescue you. He has everything you need for eternal, abundant life through the birth, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus, the Christ. 

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