“And the angel said unto her, ‘Fear not Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His name Jesus’” (Luke 1:30–31)
As Mary listened to Gabriel’s message from God, she knew
what he said was impossible: how could she give birth to a child? Though
betrothed (legally married, but not yet living together) to Joseph, Mary knew
she was pure; she had never “known a man.” Gabriel also told her that
Elizabeth, her cousin, was in her sixth month of pregnancy. Mary knew that was
impossible because she was barren and past childbearing years. Yet, Gabriel
said they would both give birth to sons, but hers would be Son of the Highest. The
angel of God settled Mary’s concerns by saying that nothing was impossible with
God (vs. 37). The humble handmaid yielded to God’s will, not knowing the Son
she delivered would one day be her Deliverer.
What do you know? More importantly, do you know Jesus? The
miraculous birth of God’s Son fulfilled prophecy. He was born of a virgin,
lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead,
completing His Father’s plan. Do you know God loves the world so much that He
gave His Son to die for all people, for you? God wants all humanity to repent
and call on the name of His Son, Jesus, for salvation (John 3:16–17).
Do you need a miracle? A miracle happens when you humble
yourself before Almighty God and surrender to Jesus, the One who delivers. When
He forgives your sins, you undergo a new birth—a spiritual birth. This rebirth
is God’s gift to you: everlasting life with Him.
Thank You God for such an indescribable gift.