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Monday, April 27, 2020

Cling or Let Go

“Remember Lot’s Wife.” (Luke 17:32)

We tend to hold tightly to things we cherish. Clinging to things or people we hold dear is not always unhealthy; to love our family is a good thing unless the “clinging” has put family before God. You may say aloud or think I will never live there, go there, or do that until (my spouse, children, parents, job) . . . That mindset is putting God second in your life, and God never accepts second place. The first of the ten commands God written on tablets of stone was to not have any other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3). Those “other gods” are anyone or anything held or considered more valuable than Him. That command includes family, no matter how much love is involved, no matter the circumstances.

In the days of Abraham and Lot, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah enjoyed their wicked ways of living. After hearing God’s plan to destroy the cities, Abraham interceded on behalf of the people, including his nephew Lot and his family who lived there. God agreed if Abraham could find ten righteous people, He would spare the cities. But not even ten, including the two married daughters of Lot and their husbands, were found. God was merciful and allowed Lot, his wife, and two unmarried daughters to escape the impending destruction of wickedness. Because they lingered in leaving their beloved city, as wicked as it was, the two angels of God took them by the hand and brought them out of the city with a specific warning to flee to the mountains and “Do not look back.” Once in safety, the Lord rained down fire and brimstone from heaven upon the wicked cities; but Lot’s wife had to look back one last time at where her heart’s desires stayed. As she glanced back towards Sodom, she instantly turned into a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). 

Praise God our disobedience today does not turn us into salt statues, but the cost of waywardness could be tragic. We, too, have choices to make daily. Jesus said if we cling to this life, we will lose it, but if we let it go—surrender to Him as Lord of our life—we will save it (Luke 17:33). Trust your life, family, and possessions into the loving and capable hands of the One who created and owns all things—God, who demands first place. Choose wisely: Cling or let go.


  1. It's difficult to truly love God more than your family, but I have learned if you place God FIRST and don't look back, you will have that family taken care of waaayyyy better than you could. Good article.

  2. There are NO better hands to have protecting us much less our families than our Lord!!! Thank you for for these encouraging words!!!

  3. Our Great and All-powerful God. . . He is I AM!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.