Following This Blog

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Lost Sight

“Where there is no vision, the people perish. . .” (Proverbs 29:18)

Many people read this passage applying foresight to their personal life, job, future goals, or church. Whether literally or figuratively speaking, to be and stay focused, vision is needed. Would you deliberately choose to lose sight of God? No? Then how can God sometimes seem out of sight? Several factors come to mind: neglecting God’s holiness, authority, and His presence or rejecting His love because you feel unworthy. There are other reasons for not seeing God, who is ever-present: The proclaimers of His truths are absent or inaccurately, falsely proclaiming His Word, or people choose to interpret the Word to suit their desires. When that happens, Omnipresent God, although everywhere at the same time, is “out of sight,” always present, yet unseen.

People run amuck with no vision of God, choosing to go their way, following their easily deceived hearts. A deceived heart quickly leads the unsuspecting down spiritual, mental, emotional, physical destructive paths. But there’s good news in the second half of the verse: “But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

We all need structure. God’s Word (the law) is our manual for right living, fellowship, and spending quality time with Him. But to keep the law, we must know what it says. Only by reading and meditating on God’s truths can we apply what we learn to our lives and live it out. Even though we fail, we escape visionless perishing by turning to God for forgiveness and restoration, regaining a right standing with Him, and an unobstructed vision of who He is.


  1. I often pick with my husband that he hears me but is he listening to me?! Haha! But truth be told I do this all the time to Gods word. I read it, I hear it, but do I listen? Thank you for the encouragement I got from you to not only read His word but meditate on it and then apply to to my life and live it out.

  2. I needed to be reminded and encouraged as well.


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