Following This Blog

Monday, April 20, 2020

Cut to Fit

“Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.”  (1 Corinthians 12:4, 6)

The common denominator of a one-thousand-piece puzzle and a one-hundred-piece puzzle is the need for proper placement. Puzzle-makers design them that way.

When working on a puzzle, multiple pieces often look as though they fit a space but choosing the right part allows it to drop into place with the slightest pressure. If you place the wrong segment, unevenness is clear. Forcing it into the wrong position may cause damage to not only the single piece but also to the surrounding space and cause the misplacement of other pieces. When you force pieces where they don’t belong, the result is a contorted picture of the puzzle.

Think of God’s Church as a giant puzzle. As a believer in Christ, you are one of the many pieces of that puzzle. God precisely makes you Himself—cut (gifted) to fit a specific spot in His kingdom work here on earth: “He makes the whole body fit perfectly together. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (Ephesians 4:16 NLT). Avoid coveting the shape, size, color, or position of other puzzle pieces (gifts/talents of others); forcing your giftedness into a place not intended will distort God’s picture. Remember, God made you uniquely and wonderfully; there is not another puzzle piece that matches you exactly. Be content with who you are in Christ. 

You matter to God. Your place matters in God’s plan. You serve a vital purpose in God’s completed picture just as He created you. Are you willing to fill your spot in God’s puzzle—the place He hand-cut for you before time began, space where only you fit?


  1. Know where you belong and make the body of Christ complete.

    1. I've heard some people say they don't know where they fit; I usually tell them to ask God because He doesn't want it to be a secret. Although, sometimes I think the problem is that they don't want to know. . . It takes commitment to fit in place.

  2. "Pressed by God" to fit LOVE THAT!!!! 😍


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