Our daughter is a high school teacher; her heart desires that the students learn the material she teaches. If they miss or fail a test, she allows them to make up or redo it—she wants them to know what she’s teaching.
God inspired writers to pen His Holy Word to teach us. It shows us
what’s wrong, how to correct the bad, and how to live rightly so we are thoroughly
equipped and carry out His work (2 Tim 3:16–17). God has given us everything we
need to live godly lives. We learn through Biblical examples like Job, the
Patriarchs (and their wives), the wandering Israelites, kings, prophets, the apostles,
Jesus’ siblings, and so many others that faith tests will happen. Some, like
Job, passed their test, but others failed the first one and had redos. They
faced many trials, and tests await us regarding our spouse and family (or desire
for one), possessions, finances, employment, and the many life decisions we
must make.
Even if we read and study the Bible and live obediently, God tests
us, but not with temptations to do wrong; that comes from the sinful desires
that drag us away (Jam 1:13–14). He allows us to go through challenging
circumstances, but not because He’s unfair, angry, or disappointed in us. Then
why? The trying of our faith develops perseverance that matures our character and
trust in Him (Rom 5:8; James 1:2–4). Paul and James tell us to glory, take joy
in life’s trials, troubles, and sorrow—boast to others about how God carried us
through the trying times and what He accomplished.
Although I never made a failing score on a school exam, I’ve
failed my share of life tests, and my gracious heavenly Father gives me a redo
each time—sometimes a redo of the redo. Why? God wants me to learn the material
He’s teaching. He desires His best for me and wants the same for you.
“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12 NLT
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