Following This Blog

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Technology, we “gotta” love it! Having moved from cable internet with 100 MPS to a satellite with 1.8, we often lose connection. Restarting the router to get a working signal is a daily routine; sometimes, we have to unplug and restart all electronics for them to function. Our service provider suggested we face the router in the direction of the signal tower. Do we get frustrated? Yes. Does the aggravation keep us from rebooting? It could, but we would be without service if we didn't.

Disconnections happen. Dealing with unfavorable circumstances unfavorably, turning from a healthy to a more lax diet, having a head-strong attitude to have things our way, or adding to or taking away from God’s plan for our daily living have consequences. Life can bog us down and cause disconnections that create physical and spiritual anxiety, achiness, bloatedness, tenseness, lethargy, and irritation. That’s when we need a system reboot; not only physically but spiritually, for our well-being.

Don’t let life’s frustrations, troubles, or sorrows keep you from a reboot. We can’t fix ourselves, but we can unplug from the things that cause disconnects from our “Life-source Signal” and face the One who can. Our Father will reconnect and keep us connected, but we must first turn from our way and follow Him. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.” Psalm 121:1 

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