“Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!” James 3:5b
We enjoyed having a fireplace that had a gas line running to the
log grate. All we had to do was put a little kindling under the logs, light a
match or striker, turn the valve on, and voila—a flame shot across the length of
the grate! We turned off the gas when the wood ignited and soon had a blazing fire.
Although the tongue is a small part of the body (little member), it
has the power to accomplish much for good or evil, to build up or tear down. Words
of blessing are encouraging and confidence builders; they bring hope to the hopeless
and can turn someone to seek the Lord. But careless or cruelly crafted words
can offend, ruin a reputation, turn harmony into chaos, and sometimes drive
people away from knowing Jesus as Savior. James says the tongue used wrongfully
is a fire from hell, turning the world into turmoil (v. 6). It is an untameable
evil and, like a snake’s bite, full of poison (v. 8).
Our tongues don’t need a gas line to start a blazing fire; It only
takes one spark from misused words, and once started, no one can stop the fiery
results by turning off a valve. The same mouth that praises and honors God one
moment can spew slander and lie about someone the next; James says this should
not happen (v. 10). But individuals who bridle their tongue (words) are people of
integrity and can rule over their whole body (v. 2).
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