Following This Blog

Monday, July 4, 2022

Why Is America Sick?

God reaffirmed the covenant He made with David when Solomon completed building the temple: He would be Israel’s God if they worshiped and followed only Him and kept His commandments (1 Kings 8–9). We are under the same promise, being God’s people, called by His name. God is faithful to His Word when He says if My people humble themselves, pray, seek My face, and turn from their wickedness, I will hear their prayers and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

God wants all humanity to repent and acknowledge His Son as Lord. But Don’t miss this! It isn’t the lost, the wicked, or those who blatantly rejected Jesus He's referring to before healing our land. He wants His people—us who yielded to His call and are under the lordship of Jesus Christ—to humble ourselves, pray, seek Him, confess our sins and turn back to Him. God warned Solomon that if he or his descendants turned from following Him and disregarded His commandments, He would cast them away, and people would say, “Why has the Lord done this thing?” The answer was: “They forsook the Lord their God.”

Brothers and sisters in Christ, our country is “the land of the free,” but we are a sick and broken nation with many government-given freedoms that oppose God, the Giver of freedom. Has our country turned from following the One True Living God to serving the “gods” of this world (including self)? Many Americans have, but if you are “God’s people,” humble yourself before Him, pray, seek His face, and repent of your sins and those of our country. THEN, He will hear our prayers and heal our land.

Complacency, laziness in our walk of faith, and wanting to “fit in” or “not make waves” cause believers to blend in with the rest of the world. How will a lost and dying world know about God’s salvation, love, and what He wants unless they see a difference in our lives from theirs? “And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of [claimed by] the Lord, and they shall be afraid [stand in awe] of thee” (Deuteronomy 28:10). God WILL make Himself known in our nation and worldwide—whatever it takes: “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

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