Following This Blog

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


For the first time as homeowners, we have a mop sink. Since I use a bucket with a mop wringer attached, we used the sink for Scout’s bath time. Being the intelligent dog that he is, after his first experience, he would scramble to make a “beeline” for the outdoors at the sound of running water in the laundry room, knowing what it meant. He has since then outgrown the sink, but not his fear of the sound of running water—not for the washing machine or in the kitchen or bathrooms—but the mop sink. Isn’t it odd that he can distinguish the difference?

“The Lord knoweth them that are His. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (2 Timothy 2:19b). “Flee youthful lusts” (v. 22). Paul writes to Timothy, encouraging the young minister to be a “good soldier of Jesus Christ,” teach others to do so, and what pitfalls to watch for and avoid. We are to flee not only ungodly sensual desires but pride, ambition, lust for power, counsel, or anything that wars against our walk with the Lord.

Water running in the mop sink is a terrifying sound to Scout, and he still runs away every time. We know the difference between right and wrong and what God expects and demands from us. We who name the name of Christ, no matter our age, should run away from every sound, thought, or sight of anything or anyone that offends God and opposes our being worthy soldiers of Jesus Christ.

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