Following This Blog

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Midnight Testimony

Have you ever had a day when one thing after another went wrong, and your expectations for the day laughed at you? In most situations, our complaints would pale compared to Paul and Silas’ treatment by the authorities of Phillipi. After introducing Lydia and her household to Jesus and freeing a damsel with the spirit of divination, false accusations led to the duo’s beating and bound-in-stock prison stay. Did the men complain about the unfair treatment? Did they question God why He allowed this? They did not.

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them” (Acts 16:25). What an unusual setting to host a prayer and praise service. The jailor and other prisoners heard them; they experienced God’s shaking of the prison, the loosening of bands, and the opening of the cell doors. That night Paul and Silas proclaimed the Good News of Jesus. That night the jailor and his household believed and received Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

What if God has you in your current circumstance, no matter how aggravating or dire, to deliver His message of hope and salvation to those in your path? What if you are their only hope of hearing the Good News message? Will they hear God’s Word proclaimed or your whine? They will listen to one or the other. Does your example draw the lost and the discouraged or lonely Christians to Christ or turn them away? Lord, help us to remember we are Your ambassadors to the world.

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