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Friday, February 11, 2022

Vital Readiness

Do you have days when you don’t feel like doing much? I do. We had recently moved; each day was filled with unpacking, hanging, and putting things in place. One morning, I faced stuff strewn about and dishes still in the sink from the night before because I was tired. Even though I was up early, I had not accomplished much, not even dressing for the day or putting on makeup. When I heard a knock at the door, thoughts raced through my head of what I should have already done in the house but had not. When I opened the door, my heart sank facing the previous owner delivering a beautiful wreath for the front door. Thankfully, she didn’t have time to come inside to visit! My day’s priorities would have been different had I seen her text earlier that she was on her way.

Jesus’ return will not be a surprise. He told us He would return, but we don’t know when: “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of man cometh” (Matt 25:13). On that day, or if we breathe our last in this world before then, it will be too late to prepare. We will stand before our Maker, ready or not, and He will not accept excuses of tiredness, busyness, ignorance, or laziness. How do you ready yourself to meet God? Christians must stay alert, ready to meet Him, “confessed up,” so the heart is always right with the Lord. If you are without Christ in your life, admit you have sinned, believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose from the dead, and then turn to God for forgiveness. Confession of sins, repentance, forgiveness, and trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord ready you to meet Holy God. People unprepared at death or His return will not suffer embarrassment but an eternity of torment and separation from the God who loves them. 

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