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Friday, February 4, 2022

Until That Day

"For I am in a strait betwixt the two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better" (Phil 1:23). Paul was in a dilemma, knowing that staying where God had him would further the Gospel and help believers, but dying, being with His Savior, was "far better." Departing was a word used by soldiers and sailors, meaning "to take down your tent and move on" and "loosen the ship to set sail." The departure also politically described the setting free of prisoners and the farmers' unyoking oxen, freeing them of their loads.

The apostle had no fear of the death he was facing; this world was not his home, and he was ready to meet his Lord. But the One who called him to serve had unfinished work for Paul. God has each of us here for a reason. Until our earthly tents come down and our spirit joins Jesus in heaven, or God pulls up our ship's anchor to sail home to Him, we have unfinished work. Until our Savior sets us free from the bondage of our bodies' limitations and temptations, or He unyokes and lays aside forever every burden, we have a purpose, unfinished work on this side of glory. For Paul, to live faithfully and joyfully serve or die, Christ was his life (v. 21). That same joy and mindset should be ours.

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