Abraham unwaveringly put Isaac on the altar of sacrifice as God commanded. But God, seeing he was willing to slay his only son, provided a substitute sacrifice (Gen 22). What a test! God tried Abraham's faith and obedience, showing him how far he had come in his spiritual journey. By faith, the old patriarch trusted God's promise that his descendants through Isaac would be too numerable to count (Heb 11:17, 18). He believed in his soul that God would resurrect his son: "Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead" (v. 19). What faith!
God wants our faith to increase. Has He told you to put someone
or something on the altar, testing your trust in Him? Your response will show
your spiritual progress. God, our Father loves His children and wants you and
me to know how spiritually strong we are; how deeply we trust Him. Did you pass
the test? Jesus willingly laid His life down so we could live. He is familiar
with everything we go through, and we are never alone. By God's grace,
believers can overcome life's challenges by trusting our Father just as Jesus and
Abraham did.
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