After trying everything humanly possible without visible, favorable results, what do you do? Simon and his fellow fishermen had fished all night without success. While the men washed their nets, Jesus entered Simon’s boat, asked him to push out into the water again, and sat down to teach the people who had followed Him. Once finished, He told Simon to go into deeper water and let down the net for a bountiful catch. Simon respectfully replied that they had fished all night without even one fish to show for their efforts, but “At Thy word, I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5). He did, and the fish-filled net was at the point of breaking, so Simon called the others onshore to help; they returned to shore with two boats ladened with fish. Simon (Peter) knew little of The Teacher who told him to act confidently but came to know Him as a miracle worker and, after that, followed Him. Those fishermen became “fishers of men.”
Believers in and followers of Christ know the same Miracle
Worker. Is Jesus asking you to “Launch out into the deep?” You’ve been there,
and nothing has changed; doing so again seems fruitless. But when He calls you
to go deeper with Him, you can trust His word because He is The Word. Like
Peter, will you reply that you’ve been there and haven’t seen any results but
then readily obey when He says to “Let down your nets for a draught?” God knows
every need you have, every desire of your heart, and Jesus wants to fill your “nets”
to overflowing, just like Peter’s, if you will trust Him. At just the right
time, God fulfills His purposes.