Following This Blog

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Wordless (revisited)

Someone randomly bombarded my blog with comments promoting a business opportunity. As I scrolled through my articles, deleting his commentary, I came across this post I wrote a couple of years ago. Maybe someone needs reminding of God's love and care:

“In the same way, the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words.” Romans 8:26 AMP

You've been in His presence, and God has always been faithful. But today is different. You’re tired—no, exhausted, frustrated, and confused. You’re feeling just a little disappointed that today you are not the mighty warrior of God you usually are. There is a cry from your heart, yet no words fall from your lips. Your thoughts seem scattered, without form or sense. You stay silent as you wait in His presence, struggling to find words to pray, not knowing where to begin or how to phrase the burden of your heart. You are in God’s presence, and today you are wordless.

Even people who know what to say, how, and when may one day be wordless before the Lord. But God, who was faithful in the past, is the same trustworthy and loyal God today and will be forever. Jesus said in John 14 that when He left this earth, He would not leave us as orphans (v. 19). His Father would send another Comforter, One who would walk alongside us, shoulder to shoulder. One who would teach and lead us into truth and bring to our remembrance God’s Word—One who would abide with us forever. God is faithful to His Word. He sent another Comforter—the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who helps us in our weakness.

Has a weakness left you wordless? Do you have doubts that God hears you or cares? Have you forgotten who you are in Christ? Is it a burden you have carried that God wants you to roll onto Him? God, who searches and knows all hearts, hears as the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf, bringing your deepest, unspoken needs, requests, and cries before Him. As you are in His presence wordless, you can rest assured that God hears you; He loves you, wants His best for you, and will care for you.

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