We had to replace our washing machine with one of two choices. One style cleans the contents with an agitator centered in the tub that rubs against the laundry and swishes it back and forth; the other type uses high-frequency vibrations to do the job. Although the machines are different, they have the same goal: Disturb the contents for the best results.
People can be like washing machines;
some are blatant agitators. They enjoy “rubbing” others the wrong way and stirring
up strife. The ultrasonic type quietly vibrates their evil intentions,
cunningly keeping their victims in turmoil, often unaware of what’s happening—two
different trouble-causers with a common goal. But unlike a clothes washer that
cleans its contents, these “people washers” want disturbance and distribution
of their dirty contents.
Discord and chaos stirrers want you involved in their shenanigans,
but be wise and avoid them. “Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt
good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33)—bad company contaminates good
morals. Paul warned the Corinth believers to beware of smooth-talking false teachers
who denied the resurrection, wanting others to engage in their evil beliefs and
life practices.
In 1 Corinthians 5:9–13, the apostle also said to separate
ourselves from immoral believers. We are not to keep company with people who
call themselves Christians yet indulge in sexual sin or those who are greedy,
abusive, drunkards, swindlers, and the like. We can minister to them without
being buddies or “hanging out” together. The apostle Peter names evildoers and
busybodies among murderers and thieves (1 Pet 4:15). And the psalmist gives
this advice and warning:
“Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile.
Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord
are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. The face of the
Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the
earth.” Psalm 34:13-16
Evildoers want followers. David said the Lord’s face is
against those who speak and do evil and cuts off the remembrance of such people.
After I leave this earth, I want others to remember me for having lived
well-pleasing to the Lord.
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