“Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” (Matthew 24:42)
In the 70s, a popular song told of what life would be like
one day: two are in bed; one disappears, and the other is left behind. The same
would happen to two workers in the field; one is gone, and the other is left
behind (Luke 17: 34–36). The song says that a piece of bread would buy a bag of
gold—folks; we’ll soon be at that point with the all-time-high cost of living
and a recession looming; food will be more precious than gold. Jesus is coming soon
to take His Father’s Church to heaven, and the ones who haven’t surrendered to
the lordship of Jesus are left behind. If you would be one of those not taken
away, believe that Jesus is God’s Son who died and rose from the dead; confess
your sins to God, turn away from them, and trust Jesus as your Savior and Lord
while you have the opportunity. One day, that decision will be too late: “Therefore,
be ye also ready, for such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh”
(v.44). Say yes to Jesus now, or you will be left behind.
If you have read this post, you have now received the "love of the truth" spoken about in 2 Thes. 2:9-11. Should Jesus return, according to this passage, you will not have a second chance. Go to the scripture and read your warning.