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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Former Things

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?" (Isaiah 43:19a). Isaiah spoke this message from the Lord for His chosen people of Israel, assuring them of future rescue from Babylon's captivity. But some people repel the "new thing" God wants to do because it requires something with them or within them must change. So, they set up roadblocks of words, actions, and emotions to deter that shift, roadblocks hidden away in families, workplaces, churches, and friendships. Roadblocks that squelch God's "new thing."

Change sometimes happens slowly, while at other times, springing forth quickly. We can look forward to it with anticipation or dread. Life modifications can be challenging at times, but when God is the "Changer," His new work in your life will pale with that done in the past (v. 18).  His timing is always right, and He supplies everything we need in the process. Will you trust God with your life changes already planned and on the way? Remove the barricades and experience His best.

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