The old relic seemed to have met its demise many times, yet after some tweaking, it kept going. But that day, with pieces all about, I thought its end had come. Everything appeared okay, but the battery that showed signs of life was the culprit. It was faulty. Once replaced with a new one and the parts were put back where they belonged, the tractor was on the move again, performing as it should.
Life’s circumstances may have taken their toll on you. Much
like that of the tractor, parts of your life lay around you; you feel aged and weary
from use but still have a desire for usefulness. You show signs of life, but you
feel broken. Psalm 51 records King David’s confession of failure; he knew that
only by God’s cleansing power and healing touch could he function as the man
God called him to be. He needed his feelings and affections made right: “Create
in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm
51:10). Your loving Father will do the same for you when you cry out to Him. Only by God’s divine power can
your heart be made new, your feelings and affections made right before Him so
you can fulfill your life’s purpose.
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