Jesus was impressed that a Roman soldier felt unworthy to be in His presence or ask Him to go to his servant to heal him. Instead, by faith believed Jesus could heal his servant just by speaking the words. Jesus said He had not seen such great faith in all of Israel (Matthew 8:10). When His disciples were afraid in the face of a life-threatening situation, Jesus asked: “. . .Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” (Matthew 8:26). They lacked faith in the Miracle Worker’s ability to help them when a sudden storm erupted in their lives. Jesus’ penetrating words must have stung the disciples, being firsthand witnesses of miracles He performed.
Sometimes the unexpected happens—minor
situations and major ones. What you do when faced with life’s uncertainties signifies
what you believe about God. Do you seek Him first for answers, help, safety,
guidance? God will not make you trust Him. You develop this trust from the repetition
of turning to God in times of need, loving Him, and depending on Him for
everything in life. You’ve experienced His miracle-working power in your life;
you can learn to trust God through every life storm that comes your way.