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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wise Investing

“And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you. . .” (2 Corinthians 12:15a)

Investing hard-earned money into a retirement fund can be nerve-rattling at times. A shift in world events causes the stock market to soar or plummet—your invested dollars may multiply like rabbits or fall rapidly like a rock. But it’s an investment, a risk you’re willing to make, trusting it will pay off in the future.

Paul learned the joy of wise investing when he invited a young man to walk alongside him in ministry. Timothy’s mother was a believer, but his father was not. From a child, he was taught the Scriptures by his mother and grandmother and, although young, Christians in his hometown and surrounding cities highly respected him. Impressed by his godly character, God’s apostle invited Timothy to join him in ministry to further instruct him in the knowledge and faith of Christ. Paul taught him to share the Gospel, and Timothy often stayed behind to minister in places where they planted new churches. Paul developed a father’s love for Timothy and called him his son.

Is there someone who looks to you as a mother or father figure, or a sister or brother they never had? New and not-so-new believers long to know what step to take next, hungry to learn and grow as a believer but don’t know where to begin. Paul saw an opportunity to help someone develop as a Christian and willingly invested in young Timothy.

Mentoring, investing your life in other people to help them personally, takes time, resources, dedication, and sometimes sacrifice. Wherever Paul ministered, he was willing to “spend and be spent” for the cause of Christ. He made a wise investment in Timothy, and the “payoff” was evident from the fruit produced. Are you willing to be like Paul?


  1. In the beginning stages on COVID-19 one of the “good” things (not the best description) about quarantining was it made me slow down and actually showed me the areas in my life that I needed to slow down more and invest my time more wisely. Now around 5 months later this was yet another good reminder to make sure I slow down and invest my time wisely! 😘


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