Because we accommodate most dietary desires of birds in our
little corner of the world, we have a large variety of species and sizes attracted
to our bird feeders. They all share in the bounty, except for one that thinks he
has preeminence over the property. Mister Blue Jay is the yard bully and quite
proud of the fact. He doesn’t play nice, nor does he share except with his kind.
He is the king of the birds, forcing all others to vacate the feeders. That is
until Mister Woodpecker arrives. It matters not which species of woodpecker;
the blue jay flees every time; not forced to leave; he does so voluntarily—his
bluff called. Unlike the jay, woodpeckers allow their fellow feathered friends to
feast alongside them.
In the pecking order, the bigger and more aggressive bully
their way to the top by "pecking" others into submission. This pecking
order exists with animals, fowl, God’s other creatures, and sadly, with people.
As His prized creation, God holds us accountable for our actions, and though
some people puff themselves up as supreme above others, they are not. Yet, they
bully their way through life as though they are. Paul admonishes us not to do
anything out of selfish ambition or conceit, instead, with humility like Jesus.
One day there will be an accounting; not one of us is more important than
another. God created us equal, and we should treat each other as such—with love
and respect.