How Jesus’ piercing words must have stung the disciples’
hearts, “O ye of little faith.” These men had not traveled a long while with
Jesus when they were faced with hurricane-force-like winds and waves whipping
over and into their ship, but they had experienced firsthand miracles He
performed. Yet, when this sudden storm erupted in their lives, they lacked
faith in His ability to care for them. Though some of us have traveled with
Jesus longer than others, are we different from those first followers? How
substantial is our faith that He will care for us before, during, and
after the storms of life?
Crisis and life storms sometimes come unexpectedly, often accompanied by warning signs, but are so subtle that we overlook them. Other times, they are so vivid, we can “taste” them. No matter the crisis, storm severity, or elusiveness of the signs, we must stay attentive. What we do first when faced with life’s uncertainties indicates what we believe about God. If we do not instinctively run to Him first, seek refuge in Him, depend on Him for help and direction, a habit needs forming. Good habits don’t happen naturally; we create them by repetition. God will not make us do anything, including trust Him. We develop this trust by turning to Him in times of need, loving Him, and depending on Him for everything in life.
Jesus was impressed that a Roman soldier felt unworthy to be in His presence or ask Him to go to his servant to heal him. Instead, by faith believed Jesus could heal his servant just by speaking the words. Jesus said He had not seen such great faith in all of Israel (Matthew 8:10). That’s the kind of faith we need.