Following This Blog

Monday, June 22, 2020

Destination Unknown

“Here am I, send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

King Uzziah’s death marked time; Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on a throne in the temple in a vision. As God’s glory filled the place, Isaiah knew he was unclean, unworthy, to be in His presence. One seraph took a hot coal from off the altar and touched his lips; God purged his sins. Then Isaiah heard the Lord asking who He could send (on a mission). Without hesitation, Isaiah volunteered to go. He had no idea what the task entailed, where he would go, or what to say—but he was willing to be used by God. That moment was a spiritual marker for Isaiah.

Is your life marked with spiritual reminders? Moments etched in time when you know you met Holy God: He asked (or commanded) you “to go,” or be still and know that He is God, or He spoke some other message you knew was from Him. If you have seen God move powerfully and He changed you, then He left spiritual markers as reminders of His activity. But not all spiritual remembrances are of obedience, some bear reminders of neglecting God’s guidance. Those markers are not there for condemnation but as reminders to avoid repeating the same mistakes, reminders of God’s love, faithfulness, and goodness when He carried you through the difficult times.

Have you heard God speak while in His presence? How did you respond? Were you obedient? Did you volunteer your service as Isaiah, or did you turn away? If you chose the latter, don’t let the enemy win a victory by convincing you it is too late to follow hard after God, to have a heart for Him. Receive the forgiveness God offers to all through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus, and say as Isaiah, “Here am I, send me.” 

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