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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Charged, Recharged, or Drained

“Serve the Lord with gladness.” Psalm 100:2a

“Bad Anatomy.” That was the veterinarian's diagnosis for Scout. We noticed he favored a hind leg when he stood and walked. But when he started sitting in a peculiar (yet cute) way, we decided he needed a doctor’s help. The x-rays showed no broken bones or injuries but a poor bone structure in his legs and hips; his hind and front legs don’t line up. Scout is bow-legged; the doctor said he had never seen this in a young dog before. The discomfort is treatable but not the bones. Does this stop our three-year-old dog from chasing squirrels and rabbits, running alongside the golf cart, and chasing balls? Not a bit! Despite the pain, he lives “charged up” and looks forward to and enjoys these daily thrills (and naptime).

I have admired and ministered alongside three precious saints of God in their nineties (two of them for over twenty years). Mrs. Doris Johnson, who recently met her Savior face-to-face, served as a pink lady for decades, retiring shortly before her passing. The hip injury she struggled with didn’t hinder her pink jacket-wearing service, church attendance, or involvement in mission efforts.

Mrs. Larien Newcomb has also served for decades and still volunteers as a pink lady. She faithfully attends and supports the same church’s ministries and mission outreach with a spring in her step, even with the aches and pains that sometimes accompany the golden years.

Ms. Geri Campbell, my newest friend of over a year, is a sparkly blue-eyed wonder, mowing her landlord’s yard and hers with a walk-behind mower until recently. She fell and broke her neck while gardening. Although in a neck brace for a couple of months and facing four more, she actively attends her church and participates in its mission endeavors. I call these sweet ladies energizer bunnies because their batteries keep going and going. They do (Mrs. Doris did) what they do not only for the joy it brings them but to honor their Lord and bless others despite life’s discomforts.

How’s YOUR anatomy; do your “bones” line up for serving others? Do you enjoy life? What hinders you from serving the Lord, being all God created you to be; do your batteries need recharging? Let the Lord renew your strength and joy (Isa 40:31). God made each of us, even us, with our oddities and imperfections, for His service.

My more-golden-age-than-I-am friends put me to shame sometimes, spinning circles around me! Ask God for a recharge if needed; we are helpful until He calls us home when we're available. Lord, help me to be poured out wine, not whine for You. 

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