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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

JOY—Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last

“Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth” (1 Corinthians 10:24).

After the graduation, the devastated and desperate father went from one establishment to another, looking for the person who sold his underage child the beverage that influenced his son, leading to his death. Weary from his unsuccessful search, the man went home. When he opened the cabinet to pour himself a “nerve-calmer,” he saw a note his son left where a bottle once stood. The graduate knew his dad would understand since the night was a special occasion. The message of this film I watched as a teenager impacted my life then and still rings true today.

Paul's words in this passage referred to eating meat used as a sacrifice. To some people, it was thought unclean; to others, it wasn’t. But his words apply to other areas of life as well. We should be considerate, keeping the welfare of others in mind; some people can handle things that others cannot. What we consume and activities in moderation seem harmless but may lead someone else to addiction: just one more serving or drink, one more pill to “take the edge off,” just one last-quarter in the slot, one more card game, or spin-of-the-wheel. Our actions can influence and impact others. That which doesn’t adversely affect one person may send someone else “over the cliff.” And for some participants, there is no return. Everything we say and do should glorify God (v. 31).

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