"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27).
James tells us that the use of one's tongue and the
condition of the heart can distinguish genuine and vain, sullied religion. An
unguarded mouth, with words unbefitting believers, speaking ill of others, acting
piously, doing charitable acts to be seen of others, pretending to be religious,
someone you're not, are telltale signs of impurity.
In contrast, sincere "religion" is humble
reverence and devotion before the only Supreme God and our Father who is always
with His children; we should do and say everything to please Him as if always
in His presence. James describes this "pure religion" as being aware
of, visiting, and relieving the parentless, husbandless, bereaved from
the pressure of their burdens. He tops the description with staying blemish-free
of the world's temptations and the desires of the flesh—the only way to minister
effectively to the world's needs. The searching question for you and me is: How
are my tongue, heart, and actions lining up with pure and undefiled religion?
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