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Friday, November 12, 2021

Think About It

The prophet Haggai rebuked God‘s people: “Thus, saith the Lord of Hosts, Consider your ways” (Haggai 1:7). Their inaction led to a drought causing poor harvests; God would honor none of their efforts to prosper because of their negligence in rebuilding the temple while they sat comfortably in their homes. After hearing the message, they acknowledged God’s voice through His prophet and obeyed, fearing the Lord, and began working on the house of their God. Then Haggai delivered the Lord’s response: “I am with you.”

Though God never leaves His children, He seems absent to the disobedient. Busyness and selfishness of time and resources crowd time spent with the Lord; lack of prayer and Bible study caused disrepair and dryness, they neglected to build up His temple where He dwells. Their actions distant the once-close relationship with Him—it seems that nothing they do prospers. Does this sound familiar? If it does, when His Spirit within you brings conviction through the Word or His messengers, consider your ways and repent. Once you acknowledge your wrongs and bend to His authority, your “soul’s drought” ends; you know He’s with you as you get back to your calling and His kingdom’s work.

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