Following This Blog

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Untarnished Communication

God decides when, where, why, and to whom He speaks. Why would God choose to speak to a boy instead of His appointed priest? Eli’s unconfessed sin. His disobedience tarnished his heart and dulled his hearing. So God addressed the innocent child who faithfully served Eli: “And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth” (1 Samuel 3:10). Age is not a factor in hearing from God; only a listening ear and right heart.

Because of sin in our lives, we may be satisfied to listen only to God’s servants instead of hearing from Him. Their messages, although from God, are easier to set aside or ignore. But when God directly speaks to our heart, we must decide to heed His words, give pitiful excuses of why we can’t or won’t obey Him, or ignore His voice. Depending on hearing God only through others, you miss the relationship He wants with you. Samuel’s faithfulness positioned him to hear God’s voice. He listened, received, and obediently delivered God’s message as instructed (vs. 15–18). Our Father longs to commune with you, but conversing involves both parties listening and speaking with one another. Sometimes, we do most of the talking without waiting for God to speak. Is your heart clean and ready to be still, to hear and receive from Him? Are you prepared to obey? 

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