Following This Blog

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Forget Not

“Bless the Lord, all my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” (Psalm 103:2)

Holiday seasons are sometimes complicated and challenging: memories of loved ones no longer with us, heartache, loneliness, regrets, overwhelming schedules, and holiday activities. How can we deal with these added to our daily routines?

In today's verse, the word “bless” means to bow down (in adoration before God). David, the shepherd/King/songwriter, explicitly explains how to face each day: Bow before the Lord with all that is within you—bend your mind, will, and emotions to Him; acknowledge Him and praise His name. He then adds that we should not forget all His benefits—His services, acts of goodness, and reward. In other words, count your many blessings on what the Lord has done and is currently doing. What are those blessings God lavishes on His children who are unworthy except for the cleansing blood of Jesus? Through the remainder of the chapter, David elaborated on some of them: forgiveness, healing, redemption from death, lovingkindness, slow to anger, mercy, God’s righteousness, fairness, and longsuffering. How gracious is our Father!

There is not enough paper nor ink to record all of God’s benefits. His goodness and blessings are innumerable, and the most significant expression of His love towards humanity is the gift of His one and only Son, Jesus. Thank You, Lord God. We exalt You and bow our hearts before You—we bless Your holy name.


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